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About Your Breast Augmentation

About Your Breast Augmentation

Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica

If you have thought about enhancing your body contour with breast augmentation and you need answers to a number of questions about the procedure, the breast augmentation consultation is a great place to start. At E. Kim Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to educating you thoroughly so you are empowered to make the decision that is right for you.

Comprehensive Physical Exam

The first step is to complete a physical examination. We will need to know your health history along with any medications you are currently taking. The goal of this step is to ensure you are a good candidate for breast surgery and physically able to undergo a surgical procedure.

Realistic Body Goals

Dr. Kim will listen to your goals for the procedure. You will have the opportunity to view before and after photos from Dr. Kim’s past patients, as well as other surgeons’ results. Dr. Kim will take body measurements and recommend an ideal breast implant size and shape. He will also recommend other breast augmentation options to help you get the results you desire. Our Santa Monica breast augmentation surgeon and his team members are open and honest with you about the results of surgery and the steps involved. During your consultation, we will also strive to make sure you have realistic expectations about this procedure and are informed enough to feel comfortable and confident about your choice. Before moving forward, we want to know that our patients are having augmentation for the right reasons and are emotionally stable.

Moving Forward

Breast augmentation is not the only way to enhance your figure. Dr. Kim will take plenty of time with you to fully explain your cosmetic surgery options. As an alternative to breast enlargement, some patients choose a tummy tuck to minimize their stomach area and create the appearance of larger breasts. For other women, a breast lift provides the kind of enhancement they are looking for. Once you decide on the type of surgery that suits you best, we can go ahead and schedule your surgery. Dr. Kim and his team will fill you in on everything you need to know about your surgery day and recovery time.

If you would like to learn more about breast augmentation, please contact our Los Angeles plastic surgery practice when you are ready. We would be happy to set you up for a personal breast augmentation consultation to review your goals and provide valuable information about the procedure. Our team is dedicated to your safety and results, and we will do all we can to provide the excellent care you deserve.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210