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Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast Augmentation Recovery

One of the questions many women have about breast augmentation is “What will my recovery be like?” In general, women report the recovery from the procedure as being better than they expected. They also say that discomfort was less than they expected.

This page gives some basic information about breast augmentation recovery, but it can’t tell you about the range of experience our patients have, nor answer any specific questions you have about breast augmentation recovery. If you are a current patient at E. Kim Plastic Surgery and have questions or concerns about your recovery, please call us at 310-205-EKIM(3546). If you are considering breast augmentation and want to learn more about the recovery process, please call or email us to schedule a consultation with Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim.

Right after Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

After your breast augmentation surgery, you will be taken to our recovery room, where we will monitor you to ensure you are adequately recovered from the anesthesia to go home. You will need a responsible driver to take you home and stay with you the first day. We will talk to your driver about your recovery and give specific instructions in print and orally, including signs to watch out for potential complications.

You can eat and we recommend you drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated. On the first day you should focus on resting. Remember to sleep on your back with your head and torso propped up.

The First Week of Recovery

In some cases, women feel fine the day after surgery. Most women experience some degree of discomfort, though this is easily controlled with prescribed medications. On the second day, we recommend you begin slowly returning to normal activity, though it’s best to have someone around to help out during this first week. You are encouraged to walk around, but you should avoid strenuous exercises, especially arm exercises. If you experience increased pain and soreness the following morning, this may indicate that you strained too much. Remember that any activities that increase your blood pressure could potentially lead to bleeding.

Do not be surprised if you do not see the results you hoped for at this time. Your breasts will likely be swollen and may be bruised. The breast implants also begin high, then slowly settle into place, improving the appearance of your breasts.

Weeks 2-12 of Recovery

After your first follow-up appointment, Dr. Eugene Kim will likely clear you to return to nonstrenuous work and begin getting back to your normal routine. You can start doing arm stretches, but you should still avoid lifting objects over your head and heavy lifting of any sort. You should still avoid activities that will raise your blood pressure until you are cleared to return to them.

By the end of the first month, most women feel completely back to normal after breast augmentation, but recovery is still progressing. Remember not to immerse your incisions or engage in strenuous activities until cleared by Dr. Kim.

Full Recovery and Final Results

By twelve weeks you will be completely healed from your breast augmentation surgery, but your final results may not yet be visible. Most likely, the swelling and bruising will long since be resolved, but your breast implants should continue settling over the next three months. By six months your final results should be visible, but some women take longer.

If you have more questions about breast augmentation recovery, please call or email E. Kim Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles today to schedule a consultation where you can ask your questions in person.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210