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Breast Development Asymmetries and Breast Implants

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Breast Development Asymmetries and Breast ImplantsA woman’s breasts will develop in response to genetic, hormonal, and weight factors. The right and left breasts may respond differently to the same growth factors, resulting in breast asymmetry. This aspect should be carefully considered at the time of breast augmentation cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a highly trained and experienced plastic surgeon providing cutting edge procedures for the breast, body and face. Dr. Kim will use breast augmentation to correct asymmetries while accomplishing the patient’s size enhancement needs. He provides breast augmentation surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.


Asymmetry with Tissue Restriction

Breast development asymmetry may occur with tissue restriction when the growth of one or both breasts is restricted due to the skin and surrounding tissue. Non-expansion of the tissue can prevent full breast development. If the breast tissue growth occurs with this restriction, it will expand the areolar tissue.

This condition is known as a tuberous breast deformity. The degree of severity of this condition can vary from one patient to another, which will impact the breast appearance. Nipple size may also vary according to the asymmetry. While planning for breast augmentation cosmetic surgery, it is important to account for these conditions.


Wide Cleavage

Many women worry that after breast augmentation surgery, the gap between the breasts may become extra wide. However, the gap between the breasts is already determined by her natural bone structure and breast anatomy. With breast implants, the plastic surgeon may be able to narrow the gap between the breasts marginally, but not to a very substantial extent.

If the surgeon makes an excessive attempt to narrow the gap between breasts, it may lead to a complication such as symmastia, or make the nipples point to the outside of each breast. If inframammary folds are asymmetric prior to the breast implant surgery, they are likely to remain in the same condition after the surgery.

The surgeon should make the patient aware of such pre-existing developmental conditions and the limitations and possibilities with breast augmentation. Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast augmentation surgery.


Breast Mound Differences

Breast development process may stop at any stage of growth. In some cases, the development of the breast mound may stop at different stages. This can cause asymmetry between the two breast mounds. The surgeon may recommend differently sized breast implants to correct this asymmetry.

Some patients may need a breast lift along with implants to reposition the nipple and areola to a more symmetric level. Women who are able to achieve correction of their pre-existing developmental conditions with breast implants are usually the happiest patients.


Areolar Asymmetry

The highlight of the breast mound is the nipple and areola complex. In a few cases, asymmetry may exist in the areolar size or position. Variation of the position, which is called the high-low variation in the areolar position, can particularly be magnified after breast augmentation. The surgeon should help the patient keep realistic expectations from breast augmentation in such cases.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210