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Liposuction For Your Back

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Liposuction For Your BackEven if you control your diet or perform cardio and strength training at the gym, it can be challenging to get rid of back fat. This fat accumulates beneath the bra line for women, which can distract from a slim, toned shape from behind.

Liposuction of the back can effectively address this problem and offer dramatic enhancements. But the cosmetic surgery procedure is easier on patients who have not lost large amounts of weight.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides back liposuction to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.

Types of Back Fat

Back fat can be categorized into the following areas:

  • Infra-scapular fat, or female flanks, is located above the waist and beneath the shoulder blades. This unappealing fat bulges right below the bra strap.
  • Posterior axillary fat is found on the upper-outer back near the armpit.
  • Posterior waist fat is located above and posterior to the hips.
  • The lumbosacral fat pad is found in the midline of the lower back, right above the tailbone.
  • Buffalo hump comprises fat located on the upper back, close to the neck.

Infra-Scapular Back

Infra-scapular back refers to the area on the back, right below the bra. The fat in this region is a single subcutaneous layer. It does not have a well-defined deeper fat compartment.

Upon wearing a tight bra, this area tends to bulge-out even more. Some women are predisposed to accumulate fat in the infra-scapular back region.

Due to increasing levels of obesity, the infra-scapular back can accumulate such an amount of fat that causes the skin and subcutaneous tissue to bunch-up developing into parallel rolls of fat. Tumescent liposuction with microcannulas can eliminate this unattractive localized “bra fat” and offer excellent aesthetic enhancements to the area.


In liposuction cosmetic surgery of the back, the surgeon places a serious of tiny incisions in the back in precise locations. They then insert a thin metal tube, known as a cannula, into the incision areas.

Subsequently, the fat is delicately suctioned out of the treatment area. Sometimes UV light or vibration may also be used to heat up and melt the fat. This helps remove the fat more readily. In addition, heating up the fat also helps tighten the skin enabling the body to conform to its new shape properly.

This procedure is usually undertaken using only local or regional anesthetic. Therefore, the patient remains awake during the procedure. The procedure can take between one to two hours to complete, depending on the amount of fat removal that a patient needs.

Post-Operative Care

The post-op care after liposuction of the back only involves adequate coverage with super-absorbent pads. These are held in position with a torso compression garment.

Liposuction of the back does not warrant a high degree of external compression. The movement of the torso during breathing and other routine activities is enough to entirely expel the remaining blood-tinged anesthetic solution from the treated site overlying the rib cage.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates should be in good general health and preferably should not smoke. Liposuction of the back is not a procedure meant for skin tightening or weight loss. Rather, it eliminates fat from a particular area on the body enhancing the body shape and contours.

Patients who have excess skin as a consequence of rapidly losing a large amount of weight may want to consider a skin tightening procedure either in combination or instead of liposuction.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for liposuction of the back.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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