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Liposuction For Your Hips And Thighs

It is usually a fantastic idea to pair liposuction of the hips and thighs together. Many patients feel that their heavy thighs are an area

Posted in Plastic Surgery

Liposuction For Your Love Handles

The love handles or flanks refer to the side of the body between the ribs and the hip. Localized fat deposits tend to develop in

Posted in Plastic Surgery

Liposuction For Your Abdomen / Tummy

Many people are unhappy about unwanted fatty deposits in their abdomen area which do not budge even with a balanced diet and aggressive exercise regimen.

Posted in Plastic Surgery

Types of Liposuction

Various liposuction techniques are available to plastic surgeons today. The primary difference between each liposuction cosmetic surgery technique is the technology they use to enable

Posted in Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery: Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Every race has some aesthetic features that are unique to it. While not every member of a specific race shares these characteristics, but people who

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Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery: Alar Adjustment

Alar adjustment is a surgical procedure that reduces wide or flared nostrils. The nostrils’ outer edges are known as the ala. Alar adjustment is typically

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Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery: Width Reduction

The nostril and nose tip form a triangle called the pyriform aperture when the nose is seen from beneath. To reduce the width of the

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Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery: Nasolabial Angle Adjustment

The nasolabial angle comprises two lines which are obvious when viewing the face in profile. The first line extends from the nose tip to the

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Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery: Projection Adjustment

Nose projection is the distance that it protrudes outwards from the point where it connects the upper lip to its tip. If the tip protrudes

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Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery: Tip Rotation and Reduction

If the nasal tip lacks proper rotation, it means that the tip lacks definition or is overly defined. Rotation refers to the upward or downward

Posted in Plastic Surgery