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Body Lift Before And After Photos

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Body Lift Before And After PhotosBody lift surgery is a popular body contouring procedure for enhancing the appearance of the upper or lower body or both. The surgeon during pre-operative consultation will inform the patient about various components of a body lift cosmetic surgery. They will also present before and after images related to this procedure.

A committed surgeon will do everything possible to ensure the patient makes a well-considered and independent decision regarding the procedure. If you have questions or concerns about your body lift, feel free to address them with your surgeon at your pre-op consultation.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim provides body lift surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.

Understanding Body Lift Before and After Images

In case of body lift cosmetic surgery, before and after images refer to a set of pictures that pertain to a previous patient who underwent the same surgery with successful results. The set would include pictures that were taken before the surgery and post-op when initial bruising and swelling subsides. This is to present the full effects of the surgery to potential patients.

The cosmetic surgeon will ensure that the photographs are taken only after obtaining the express consent of patients. The surgeon should also ensure the photographs are presented in an appropriate and discreet manner. According to the standard protocol, the identity of a patient may be kept confidential. A surgeon may perform this exercise to describe the effectiveness of a body lift surgery to potential patients.

Now in this case these images are not on the website which means you have to see these images during the consultation. Correlating with that fact, the consultation is vital anyway regardless if these particular images can be found on the site. The positive news is that these images can be downloaded onto the website any day under the body lift category. For now though, you need to schedule a consultation.

Benefits of Body Lift Before and After Images

Body lift surgery is a major body contouring procedure. It may make patients apprehensive about the way the surgery may impact their appearance. Patients may also want to know if the procedure would be able to meet their aesthetic goals and expectations. Most patients require body lift procedure in one or two areas, like the thighs and buttocks. However, some may require extensive procedures involving the upper torso as well.

The patient, in each case, will be in a better position for understanding the recommendations of a surgeon after looking at the before and after images. They may be able to make better decisions after looking at the photographs.

Images Present Facts in a More Eloquent Manner

Patients may find it difficult to grasp complete understanding of a particular plastic surgery procedure by words alone. However, visual images can do a good job of convincing them. Words are open to interpretation and difficult to understand. Images on the other hand portray the true picture. It’s paramount that treatment providers don’t stoop to photoshopping images or using misleading pictures.

Transparency is the key and Dr. Kim believes in that concept. He does not want anyone walking away from a surgery or treatment or signing up for one or the other unless they know exactly what they are doing. This is why he has so many satisfied customers and why his clinic is so trusted by the public.

Images Help Create Awareness

Surgeons can reach a diverse and broad online population by posting before and after images of body lift treatment on social media platforms. This exercise helps in creating awareness regarding body lift procedure, its results and limitations. Patients can understand the procedure even before the initial consultation so despite these images not be on the site there’s still a chance you can see these images online somewhere.

Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook are a few social media platforms where treatment providers frequent. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for body lift surgery.

Contact the Office of Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica, CA and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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