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Breast Augmentation (Implants) Procedure Steps

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Breast Augmentation (Implants) Procedure StepsBreast augmentation is one of the most customizable cosmetic surgery procedures, which is also a key reason behind its popularity. Different surgical techniques can be applied to perform this surgery, but the overall steps in the procedure largely remain unchanged. The surgeon will discuss the steps during the initial consultation to educate the patient and relieve her of any anxiety.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Kim will address all questions and concerns of the patient about the procedure in detail. He provides breast augmentation to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding locations.



Most surgeons will prefer to use general anesthesia to perform breast augmentation cosmetic surgery. An anesthesiologist or a registered anesthetist nurse will administer anesthesia, and will remain present throughout the surgery to monitor the patient’s condition. Once the procedure is over, the patient will be brought out of anesthesia.

The patient will remain nauseous and groggy for some time after the surgery due to anesthesia effects. She should have someone to drive her back home after the surgery, and preferably stay overnight for assistance.


Creating the Incisions

Following anesthesia, the incisions will be placed in a discreet location, which could be the breast crease, the armpit, the border of the areola, or around the navel. Subsequent scarring can be minimized when the incisions are placed in an inconspicuous location.

The decision about incision location will be made at the time of surgical planning. The breast surgeon will take into account the patient’s unique breast anatomy and her aesthetic goals. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas for breast implants.


Placement of the Implants

Breast implants may be placed below the pectoral muscle or in front of the pectoral muscle right behind the breast tissue. Both placement options have their own benefits and limitations. The right placement position will be chosen at the time of surgical planning in consultation with the patient. Patient’s goals and her body type will be evaluated to make this decision.


Incision Closure

After the implants have been placed and adjusted into the desired position, the surgeon will carefully close the incisions with absorbable or traditional sutures. Absorbable sutures will dissolve on their own in a few days, but traditional sutures will have to be removed by the surgeon in about a week or 10 days.

Incision site should be kept clean during the initial post-operative phase to mitigate the risk of infection. Strenuous activity and exercises should be avoided until the healing in the incision areas has sufficiently taken place.


Bandages and Drains

After the surgery, the breasts will be covered with bandages to support healing. The surgeon will also provide a special surgical bra that the patient will be required to wear full-time for several weeks for support to the newly shaped breasts. Drain tubes will be temporarily placed in the incision areas to collect excess fluid and reduce the risk of infection.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

Breast Augmentation (Implants) Procedure StepsVisit and follow Dr. Eugene Kim on Instagram! See his confident, beautiful patients enjoying life after breast, facial and body contouring procedures.

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