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Breast Anatomy Influences Breast Augmentation Results

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Breast Anatomy Influences Breast Augmentation ResultsBreast anatomy is unique to each individual, and plays an important role in determining the outcome of breast augmentation cosmetic surgery. The breast surgeon will try to customize the procedure after taking into account the patient’s breast anatomy and her personal aesthetic needs.

Dr. Eugene Kim is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation and several other procedures for the breast, body, and face. Dr. Kim provides these procedures in a state of the art practice environment to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities.


Anatomical Characteristics of the Breast

Prior to finalizing the plan for breast augmentation cosmetic surgery, the surgeon will evaluate the breast anatomy. The breast region is covered by skin layers, which include superficial nerves and blood vessels. Dermis is the deepest skin layer, which provides strength to the skin. The thickness of dermis will vary from one woman to another.

Women with the thickest dermis will usually have the best skin. The skin also contains elastin fibers that enable the skin to stretch and remain elastic. If the breast skin goes through a prolonged period of stretching, like in pregnancy, the elasticity may reduce and the skin may become thinner. This will often cause the breasts to droop. Sometimes the breast may expand too fast for the skin to adapt to the new size, resulting in stretch marks.

The plastic surgeon will have to take all these conditions into account while recommending the appropriate size and shape of breast implants. If the breast skin and tissue have become thin or have lost some degree of elasticity, heavier implants will cause lower pole fall-out. Dr. Kim will pay attention to all these aspects while creating a surgical plan for breast augmentation. He receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas.


Nipple-Areola Complex

The outermost layer of the breast skin includes the nipple-areola complex. The colored areola tissue differs from other parts of the skin because of its gland structures. The area is typically thinner and stretches more than the skin. The size of the areolas can vary from one woman to another, and the position of the nipples will also differ. If the nipples are too low or downward pointing, it may require breast lift in conjunction with breast augmentation.


Inframammary Fold (IMF)

One of the key aspects of breast anatomy from the perspective of breast augmentation surgery is the inframammary fold (IMF). This breast fold is generally where the ‘underwire’ of a bra rests. The anatomical structure of the fold will exist even when the breasts may appear too small to cause a fold. This fold is significant because the breast implant will usually sit on this fold.

If the breast implant is placed appropriately by the surgeon, the fold will provide support to the implant. While positioning the implants during surgical placement, the surgeon should pay attention to the IMF. If it is not attended to properly, the shape of the augmented breasts may

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210