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Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica

Breast reconstruction is a procedure that requires a high degree of skill and may take plastic surgeons many years to master. Beverly Hills breast surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim performs breast reconstruction for California residents who have been affected by cancer, deformity, or physical injury to the breasts.

If you or a loved one has experienced breast loss or damage as a result of mastectomy, lumpectomy, radiation therapy, birth defect, or severe injury, breast reconstruction can get you as close to a normal breast appearance as possible. For women who are facing the possibility of mastectomy, reconstruction may be performed at the same time as removal surgery, although you should talk to your breast cancer doctor to learn whether this is appropriate in your case. Thanks to advances in the field of reconstruction, we are often able to help women closely resemble the look and feel of natural, symmetrical breasts.

Prosthetic Breast Reconstruction

During a prosthetic breast reconstruction, Dr. Kim uses an FDA-approved prosthetic material to rebuild the breast. The most common technique involves a tissue expander (or a temporary implant), which is then gradually filled with saline and eventually replaced with a more permanent breast implant.

Autologus Breast Reconstruction

During an autologus reconstruction, Dr. Kim harvests tissue from your stomach area (a technique known as TRAM: Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle) and uses that fat, skin, and muscle to rebuild the damaged breast. He uses a specialized microsurgical technique to ensure the viability of the tissue graft.

Advantages of the autologus technique include the absence of a breast implant and better shaping and contouring. Since the new breast tissue will come from your stomach, Dr Kim performs it as a tummy tuck procedure. In addition to removing tissue from the donor area, he tightens the abdominal muscles. For patients who are not good candidates for the TRAM Flap, tissue may be harvested from the upper back/shoulder or gluteal area instead.

Designing Your New Shape

Dr. Kim prefers the autologus technique because it presents very natural-looking results. However, not all patients will be good candidates for the autologus reconstruction. When you come in for your reconstructive plastic surgery consultation, Dr. Kim will evaluate your condition, blood supply, donor sites, and scarring to determine the type of reconstruction that will give you the best results.

A breast reconstruction can improve self-confidence as well as breast appearance. To learn more about the reconstruction options available at our Beverly Hills plastic surgery practice, please contact E. Kim Plastic Surgery today to schedule your personal consultation.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210