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Neck Lift

Neck LiftNeck Lift Surgery

Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica

The neck area is a very vulnerable one — difficult to protect from the sun and even more difficult to hide from others. As you age, you may begin to experience physical changes in the neck skin, such as vertical banding, creasing, sagging skin, sunspots, and the under-the-chin “turkey wattle.” Thankfully, there is a very effective way to deal with these issues: the neck lift procedure.

How a Neck Lift Can Help

Our highly skilled Los Angeles | Beverly Hills neck lift surgeon performs the neck lift procedure for women and men who want a more youthful neck appearance. By removing excess skin and fat tissue, Dr. Eugene Kim can provide a dramatic rejuvenation. He also tightens the neck muscles for a more refined, toned jaw and neckline. After neck lift, patients love their thinner, more youthful profile and feel more confident leaving this area exposed.

Is a Neck Lift Right for You?

If you are concerned about signs of aging in your neck, you may be able to see great results with this procedure. Typically, patients do not have neck surgery at the first sign of wrinkling but wait until there are noticeable changes in the texture and appearance of skin. The best candidates for neck lift are nonsmokers who are in good physical health and have visible signs of aging in the neck area. We also recommend this procedure for people who have loose neck and jaw skin due to substantial weight loss. To find out if you are a good neck lift candidate, you can

Add-On Procedures

If you are looking for dramatic anti-aging results, we can recommend a complementary treatment or several combination treatments to give you the effect you desire. For example, many patients choose to have a facelift and neck lift performed together. The brow lift and eyelid lift are also popular add-on procedures. You can also choose nonsurgical treatments like BOTOX® or facial fillers for further refinement.

Beverly Hills neck lift surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim and his cosmetic surgery team are excited to help you achieve your body contouring goals. You can start by scheduling a personal consultation with our team at our Beverly Hills plastic surgery office. Please call or e-mail E. Kim Plastic Surgery today to set up a time to come in and visit us.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210