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Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

Questions to ask Your Plastic Surgeon

Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica

During a consultation with plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim, you should ask the questions that will help you make the right decisions about your health and beauty. A consultation is an important time to learn about the surgeon’s qualifications and experience. Some questions you may want to ask potential surgeons include:

What is your background in plastic surgery?

Many different kinds of surgeons can perform plastic surgery procedures. You should choose a plastic surgeon with training and experience within the field, such as a plastic surgery fellowship.

How often do you perform this procedure?

Your plastic surgeon should have experience performing your procedure. Your surgeon should know how to perform the procedure and how to adapt it to achieve your expected outcome. A surgeon experienced in your procedure will know the complications possible and how to prevent them, as well as what to do if a complication does arise.

What are the risks?

Consenting to surgery includes your acceptance of all the possible complications associated with your surgery, no matter how remote the risk. You should know all the risks possible, and how your health can influence the risks, before accepting the possibility of them occurring.

What will you do if a complication arises?

Even though complications among qualified plastic surgeons are uncommon, you should still ask what will happen if one does occur. Find out what hospital you will be taken to if a surgical complication takes place, or how the surgeon will help you if a complication arises in the days or weeks following your surgery.

Where will my procedure take place?

Find out whether your surgeon will conduct your procedure at a local hospital – in which case you should ask which one – or at the office’s operating room. If your surgery will be performed in an office surgical room or at an ambulatory surgery center, find out if the facility is accredited by a state or federal agency, or if it is state licensed or Medicare certified.

What societies or professional organizations do you belong to?

A surgeon who belongs to organizations like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and other societies may have an interest in staying informed of the latest plastic surgery innovations, techniques and knowledge, which can often benefit you and other patients.

To schedule a consultation with our experienced plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, please contact Eugene Kim M.D., Plastic Surgery now.

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    436 North Bedford Dr.,
    Ste. 305
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210