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Should I Wear a Surgical Bra after My Breast Augmentation?

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Breast Augmentation Surgery Recovery

Should I Wear a Surgical Bra after My Breast Augmentation?Following your breast augmentation procedure, your breasts may naturally tend to “ride high” due to the tightness in your breast tissue.

As your body heals, your tissue will begin to recover and accept your breast implants. In the weeks and months after your surgery, the breast implants will begin to move down into a more natural position.

But sometimes gravity alone is not enough to make the breast implants drop and settle completely. A surgical bra specifically designed for women with breast implants can help guide the implants to the desired position and hold them in place as you heal.

Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim may recommend that you wear a surgical bra for the first several weeks after your breast augmentation. In addition to helping your breast implants settle into the proper position, a surgical bra can help reduce swelling and support the weight of the implants as your body adjusts and recovers.

If your surgical bra is uncomfortable or feels too tight in the first few days after surgery, you may be more comfortable wearing a front-closure sports bra. The most important thing is to avoid underwire and “push up” bras for the first six weeks following your breast augmentation.

If you live in the Beverly Hills area and would like more information about your breast augmentation options, please contact California plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim at E. Kim Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation.

For more information about the plastic surgery procedures and non-surgical treatments performed by doubled board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim in and around the Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica CA area please contact us at 310-271-6996 or click here.

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