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Tummy Tuck Risks

Tag Archives: Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

plastic surgeryAs with all surgical procedures, a tummy tuck is associated with certain risks. Some of these risks are common to all major surgeries, while others are more specific to a tummy tuck. It is important to understand that these risks are  rare. When performed by a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, tummy tucks are very safe and consistently achieve excellent results.

At your initial tummy tuck consultation, Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Eugene Kim will explain all of these risks to you in great detail so that you can make a fully informed decision about your procedure.

Tummy tuck risks include:

  • Anesthesia risks – Most tummy tucks are performed using general anesthesia, which carries greater risks than those associated with local anesthesia.
  • Infection – Infection is always a risk with any surgical procedure. However, infections after a tummy tuck are rare, and can usually be cleared up with antibiotics.
  • Hematoma – Hematoma develops when blood collects underneath the skin. Most hematomas appear as bruising which will subside as you heal. However, more serious hematomas may require surgery to correct.
  • Seroma – On rare occasion, a tummy tuck may result in a pooling of your blood’s serum just underneath the skin. This can be easily treated by draining the affected region.
  • Pulmonary embolism – This rare complication occurs when a blood clot forms in a blood vessel in your lungs, causing breathing issues. This serious condition must be addressed immediately.
  • Loss of sensitivity – Some tummy tuck patients may temporarily lose sensitivity in the abdominal region immediately following their procedure. However, sensation generally returns as you heal.
  • Excessive scarring – On rare occasions, you may experience excessive scarring from your tummy tuck.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

The success in any plastic surgery procedure such as tummy tuck will be ensured only when everything goes right with the procedure, starting from the preliminary consultation and preparation stage. A stunning cosmetic surgeon will understand the important of pre-op preparation and how it plays a role in helping to achieve the patient’s final aesthetic goals. See tummy tuck before and after photos.

Dr. Eugene Kim is an experienced plastic surgeon providing abdominoplasty and other surgical procedures to his patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and surrounding communities. Dr. Kim pays special attention to the initial consultation process and preparation before going ahead with the actual surgical procedure.

Pre-op Consultation Process

dr kim plastic surgeon beverly hills tummy tuck before after photosThe initial consultation prior to the tummy tuck surgery should be a two-way process. The cosmetic surgeon will discuss all aspects related to the surgery during this phase. The surgeon’s first goal is to ensure that the patient makes an informed choice about the procedure. The patient will usually have access to tummy tuck before and after photos during the consultation, so that they have a fairly clear idea of what the procedure can or cannot do for them. The surgeon will also discuss the estimated recovery period and the potential risks and complications that are integral to any major surgical procedure.

The patient should also feel free to discuss all their innate aesthetic desires, aspirations and expectations during the initial consultation. This will help the surgeon customize the treatment plan to meet the patient’s aesthetic goals as closely as possible. The patient should also be forthcoming about any past or existing medical conditions, drug allergies and current medications and herbal supplements. Clear and forthright information about tobacco, alcohol, and drug use is also crucial. History of previous surgeries should also be shared with the plastic surgeon.

The surgeon will also take some photographs prior to surgery so that the patient can compare the results properly once the surgery is over. The patient should preferably prepare a checklist of questions, doubts and concerns that arise in their mind. Such proactive pre-op engagement will prove to be a significant help in ensuring the success of the procedure. Patients who are more forthcoming and clear-minded during the pre-op preparation and consultation will usually achieve higher satisfaction levels from the results in the end.


The surgeon will require the patient to stop smoking several weeks prior to the tummy tuck procedure. If the patient is taking certain medications, their schedule may have to be adjusted in consultation with the physician who prescribed them.

Certain lab tests or a general medical evaluation may be necessary to determine if the patient is a fit candidate for the procedure. The use of aspirin, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs will have to be stopped for a few days to mitigate the risk of bleeding during the surgery.

The surgeon will also provide a list of post-op care instructions beforehand so that the patient can make advance preparations for the recovery period. Dr. Kim follows a detailed preparation process to ensure best results for his patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other areas.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a major procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon that will involve a significant amount of surgery and downtime in many cases. Patients should be fully aware of all aspects of the procedure, including its potential risks and complications, and should be in a position to make an informed decision. Dr. Eugene Kim is an experienced plastic surgeon providing this procedure to his patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other areas.

Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty Plastic Surgeon Los Angeles | Beverly Hills CADr. Kim ensures that his patients receive maximum information about the tummy tuck surgery before they take a final decision about going ahead with the procedure. However, he also encourages his patients to share all their queries, doubts, and concerns about the procedure, and ask as many questions as they wish to before the surgery. This will only help the surgeon to prepare a more effective customized treatment plan that addresses all the unique aesthetic needs and goals of the patient.

Checklist of Potential Questions to Ask

A new patient may not remember to ask all their queries and concerns during the initial consultation process. Some questions may arise in their mind at home or while at work. The patient should note down those questions promptly and prepare a personal checklist of questions that can be addressed at the time of a detailed consultation with the cosmetic surgeon. Here is a model checklist of questions that can serve as a guide for a patient during the tummy tuck surgery consultation.

  • Does the plastic surgeon have board certification in plastic surgery from the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
  • Did the surgeon receive specialized training in the field of cosmetic and plastic surgery?
  • What is the total number of years of training that the surgeon received?
  • Does the surgeon have the experience in performing tummy tuck surgeries before?
  • How many years of experience does the surgeon have in the field of plastic surgery?
  • Will the tummy tuck procedure be performed at a surgical facility or a hospital?
  • Is the surgical facility accredited or recognized by an appropriate authority?
  • How suitable is the patient for a tummy tuck surgery?
  • What kind of surgical techniques and procedure will be employed to perform the tummy tuck?
  • Will the procedure be performed using general anesthesia or IV sedation?
  • Will the procedure involve an overnight stay or will the surgeon perform it on an outpatient basis?
  • How long will be the estimated recovery period?
  • What kind of help should be arranged during the initial recovery period?
  • What are the potential risks and complications that a tummy tuck procedure usually involves?
  • How will the surgeon handle the complications, in any, and what is the revision surgery policy of the practice?
  • Will the surgeon provide tummy tuck before and after pictures prior to the procedure?

As an experienced and board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Kim will address all the queries in detail for his patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby areas.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.

Tummy tuck, clinically known as abdominoplasty, is a complex procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon to provide a flatter and firmer abdomen in proportion to the rest of the body. The procedure may sometimes involves only surgical removal of excess skin and fat, while in some cases, the tightening of underlying weak or separated abdominal muscles may also be involved.

Dr. Eugene Kim is an experienced plastic surgeon who provides tummy tuck procedure to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and nearby locations. During the initial consultation, Dr. Kim will apprise the patient of the various risks and safety issues with regard to tummy tuck surgery. His goal is to help the patient make a well-informed decision.

Potential Risks

Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty Risks | Safety Beverly Hills | Los Angeles CAOnce the cosmetic surgeon has recommended tummy tuck surgery to a patient, the final decision is only left to the patient whether to go ahead with the procedure or not. This is a highly personal decision, and the patient must decide whether the potential benefits of the procedure outweigh the potential risks and complications. The patient will have to sign consent forms declaring that they fully understand the procedure and its potential risks.

Anesthesia Risks

Since it is a major procedure, the plastic surgeon will usually perform it using general anesthesia. The patient should be fit enough to sustain a few hours under the influence of general anesthesia. The skills and experience of the anesthesiologist will also make a difference to the patient’s safety levels.

Bleeding and Infection Risks

A few weeks prior to the surgery, the patient will have to stop taking any such medications and herbal supplements that could induce excessive bleeding during the procedure. Antibiotic drugs and other precautions need to be in place to minimize the risk of infection during and after the surgery. Excess fluid accumulation may also increase the chances of infection. Therefore, the surgeon may place a drain below the skin for the first few days to collect excess fluid and blood.

Poor Wound Healing and Other Risks

Some patients may have a naturally slow healing of the wounds. The recovery period can be longer in such cases, and complete precautions as per the surgeon’s advice should be followed in order to mitigate the risk of post-op complications. Numbness or other changes in the skin sensation may occur in the treated areas, which are usually temporary. Prolonged swelling and discoloration of the skin is also possible in a few cases.

The scars may be more visible if the surgeon has not ensured incisions in the most discreet areas of the skin, or used more aggressive incision techniques. Fat necrosis or death of the fatty tissue found in the deeper layers of the skin may occur following tummy tuck surgery. Dr. Kim tries to ensure that his patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, CA, and other areas are exposed to minimal surgical risks. He provides the treatments in a safe and highly advanced surgical environment to achieve the desired outcomes with very low risk.

Click here see more plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim on patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica and surrounding areas or call 310-271-6996 to schedule a consultation.